I'm about 70% done with a scarf project and discovered someone broke my floating selvage :(   I think I've discovered the offender, but the damage is done.  I know how to do a fix when a regular thread breaks but I'm thinking that won't work with a floating selvage.  Am I wrong? What can I do??



crosstownshuttler (not verified)

Generally my floating selvages are separate from the rest of the warp and hang off the back of the loom with weights. When one breaks, I unwind some yarn from the weight, resley it and wrap it around a pin that I put about 3 inches from the fell line in the woven web. When I take the fabric off the loom, I needle weave the yarn from the pin into the fabric. So far, I've had no problems doing this.

I hope this helps.


DebD (not verified)

That sounds similar to what I do when my warp breaks.  So, I can do that with a floating selvage?   Thanks!