
kendrick43 (not verified)

Lovely, just lovely!

B P (not verified)

They are beautiful!

I'm curious about what you mean when you say you wanted the "right sort of silk"......please could you tell us what (yarn quality)you were looking for?


sally orgren

Okay, this one caught my eye because of the graphic nature of the pattern! Why "MOMA?" (Is that for the Museum of Modern Art in NYC or something else?)

Doubleweave, right? Who originated the pattern? Looks VERY fun!

Ellen (not verified)

Well, I had a hard time finding silk 30/2 (or close) as the draft mentioned in both light and dark grey and the five accent colours in very small portions, since you need so little of it and silk is expensive! I found a silk that was not too shiny, which I thought suited this project best, and some small 20 gr cones of the 5 colours, - and still have lots of that left :-)!

Hope this answers your question.

Ellen (not verified)

As I mentioned in the notes, this is from Handwoven 07, May/june, and there is a wonderful description there, including a photo of the Grand MOMA project in Beijing, which inspired the weaver, Sue Willingham to create this. 

And right again, this was also very satisfying to weave, except for some too big slubs in the yarn I had finally got hold of.

Go for it, Sally! :-)

B P (not verified)

Ellen, thanks for explaining your thinking in the choice of silk yarns for this project.

I think your selection of a slightly matt silk yarn for these scarves is right on the nail. I often find a lot of difference in the levels of reflected light when it comes to pre dyed silk yarns. I wonder if anyone on Weavo knows why this happens?.....perhaps it's the 'finishing'process.

Thanks again, Beth


Draft Used
Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

I had seen this project in Handwoven May/june 07, p 74 and fallen in love with it long ago. It took me some time to get hold of the right sort of silk for it, but I was happy with it when I got it and loved weaving this.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit