Finished Length Unit
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Length on Loom Unit

 I could not wait to spin up this luscious fiber. As a former dairy farmer I was intrigued by the idea of yarn made from milk when I noticed a skein of milk/cotton fiber from Rowan on the shelves of my favorite LYS, Wild Fibres. A group of us spins there once a month on Monday afternoons, so I looked on Ravelry and not only found one group… but two devoted to milk fiber… and I quickly sent off an online order to Moonwood Farms for 2 oz. of dyed milk fiber.


What a joy it was to spin! I was a bit concerned that I didn’t have much yarn to show for the $16 pricetag ($8.oz) but I was able to spin it all up in one afternoon with my group… and it was plenty for a scarf on the 6” tencel warp I had on my loom. I wanted to use all of the singles handspun and broke up the pattern with stripes of some peachy cotton I had in my stash, so black 8/2 cotton and some handspun white bombyx silk I had spun several years ago.

I’m really pleased with the look and the feel of it around my neck is incredible! I highly recommend it… and I hear it is good for you, too. (Like drinking milk… only having it next to your skin.)


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Sett Unit
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