There is a B5 for sale on Craigslist in Seattle WA, 8 harness with bench and slew of accessories for $450, please someone buy it before I weaken!  I'm looking for a 24"


Michael White

32 harness , 40 inch Macomber computerized loom - `1983 - Located in Upstate New York - pick up only - $1000. Please email me. [email protected]l  4-11

DebbieB (not verified)

This sounds like your dream loom!

andsewon (not verified)

Hi Debbie! I wonder how many treadles it has... I really don't want a dobby, but if it has at least 16 treadles, then I could use it manually, right? But, the chances of me picking it up are slim to none.....and Slim just ran away screaming..... Connie

lkautio (not verified)

Probably just 1 or 2 treadles, though I have seen 20S 40" Macs with treadles (requiring a very strong weaver!).

If you go, bring a heavy duty truck and a lot of muscle to move it.  Looks like they are running 500ish lbs.  Good deal - new they are $13,600 and you won't find a cheaper entrance to megashaft looms.

Laurie Autio