
Caroline (not verified)

This will be one to watch! I envy you the joy and triumph and feeling of achievement once its done, even the disappointments as you go - it is a great project, so please take lots of photos and keep us up to date with your progress. All the best!

52ZOZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

HEY THERE CAROLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are just starting here so have a ' lot-to-learn ', plus being very slow on this typing, so we did not think of checking for ' posts ' and just now found ' your's '. We sure-do " THANK-YOU-KINDLY " for your interest and encouragement, we will try to do our ' BEST ', please offer any help that you think of as we proceed , " THIS HERE'S B/SUE & ' OLE LOU '

djfiberarts (not verified)

Very cool! You all are brave! I'd just look at all that and go "Duh?"


52ZOZARK WEAVERS (not verified)


Painted on the sides, it says " REED MFG.CO. - WEAVERS FRIEND ", wether you like it or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



52ZOZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

HEY THERE DJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So sorry not getting right back, but having some problem with sign-in here!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look @ our Photo Album #54 -  " From - A - Pile - Of - Parts - To - Weave'n '' on Yahoo Group - Rugtalk, you will see 24 progressive pics on our restoration and now ready to choose the tabby for placemats. The loom owners are due back shortly from their ' snow-birding ' in S. Texas, when we plan to start their teaching by ' HANDS-ON ' at these mats. We'd like to have your comments there under the various pics, looking forward to it, THIS HERE'S B/SUE & ' OLE-LOU '!!!!!!!!!!!!!


52ZOZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

Look @ yahoo group ' Rugtalk ' - # 54

52ZOZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

Took castle & beater off to make it 'clear' owner's 32 " entrance-doorway. Go'n there next Tuesday to teach about warp'n, thats always-a-FUN-THING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

52ZOZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

Cranked-on 30 revs-a-warp on all 13 @ 2" bouts in a ' single-sett'n ', will start ' LOG-CABIN ' @ ' mid-bout ', then left, right, left, etc. using our " DENSIFIED-SELVEDGE " to complete dress'n, start'n this Thurs.!!!!!!!!!!!

52ZOZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

2 learn'n, 2 teach'n makes 4 work'n, so we gotit-ready-ta-weave ' in about 7 hrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Click-pic-above!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE OZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

As soon as I can get a look @ your loom parts, I am sure we can work on some answers, but initially not thinking of assembly here. Any parts required we can discuss to decide on 'look'n-for' if unable to make ourselves,us'n e-mail ' direct ' or phone when neccesary !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit


Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit