I have made a blank chart for designing squares woven on the 4"x4" weavette.

I am sharing it on my blog, please leave a comment there if you would like more instructions on how to use it :)



Knittingand (not verified)

I've added instructions for using the blank chart to make your own designs, plus added the numbers down the sides of the chart. I posted the wrong chart yesterday, sorry.


Caroline (not verified)

Thank you for posting this!

You are turning into a "wicked enabler"! lol! So many ideas to inspire people..............and so many hints and tips to enable others, <grin>!  This will be a really useful tool  for pushing the boundaries of what these little looms can do! and now you have me thinking, which can be very dangerous, hehe!


Aaaaaah, that is totally spiff! I particularly like the "A." Alphabet blocks, here I come! 8-D

Loominaria (not verified)

Greetings, fair Sarah!  Long time, no yarn chat.

I'm wondering why the small-loom charting convention is opposite the weaving draft drawdown convention.  Your blank chart, as others I've seen for small looms, shows black for weft on front and white for warp on front, while weaving drafts normally show black for warps on the front and white for wefts.  Maybe this is another mystery lost in history, the same as 8-ply vs DK vs light-worsted depending on which English-speaking nation your yarn label comes from.

And, by the way, I think you posted the back side of your A square in the photo, which looks very nice, but it doesn't follow the chart key.  It happens to follow the traditional weaving drafts that show weft floats in white. <g>

Good to 'see' you.

Kurt Fowler

aka Pippin

aka Loominaria on Weavolution

Knittingand (not verified)

I've added instructions for using the blank chart to make your own designs, plus added the numbers down the sides of the chart. I posted the wrong chart yesterday, sorry.


Caroline (not verified)

Thank you for posting this!

You are turning into a "wicked enabler"! lol! So many ideas to inspire people..............and so many hints and tips to enable others, <grin>!  This will be a really useful tool  for pushing the boundaries of what these little looms can do! and now you have me thinking, which can be very dangerous, hehe!


Aaaaaah, that is totally spiff! I particularly like the "A." Alphabet blocks, here I come! 8-D

Loominaria (not verified)

Greetings, fair Sarah!  Long time, no yarn chat.

I'm wondering why the small-loom charting convention is opposite the weaving draft drawdown convention.  Your blank chart, as others I've seen for small looms, shows black for weft on front and white for warp on front, while weaving drafts normally show black for warps on the front and white for wefts.  Maybe this is another mystery lost in history, the same as 8-ply vs DK vs light-worsted depending on which English-speaking nation your yarn label comes from.

And, by the way, I think you posted the back side of your A square in the photo, which looks very nice, but it doesn't follow the chart key.  It happens to follow the traditional weaving drafts that show weft floats in white. <g>

Good to 'see' you.

Kurt Fowler

aka Pippin

aka Loominaria on Weavolution