I got to weave on 4 different Baby Macs this weekend at a workshop. I really enjoyed the experience. All had 8 harnesses but were easy to treadle. I think that I am going to start looking out for one of these used. I have a Harrisville 22" that is 4 treadles and is easy to use. But I think I eventually want to have the heavier loom that will withstand much more plus the increase number of harnesses. So do any of you have a Baby Mac? What are your thoughts on using it? If you see any reasonable cost used, let me know. Thanks Rena


andsewon (not verified)

Rena, Did you try lifting the 8H Baby Mac? Would it be too heavy as a travel loom for your back? I'm interested in the replies you get. I've thought about one of these as well. Connie

lkautio (not verified)

I have a Baby Mac, 8S 24".  It is old but still going strong.  Macs have their own special treadle dance. It's not a jab and poke, they respond best to a smooth, straight-on down and easy up motion. It's easy once you know it and always makes my back feel great.

They work as a travel loom if you are strong or can get one person to help you carry it in (quite a bit heavier than the Harrisville 4S, which I also own). In workshops I often put texsolv rather than the hooks on mine because not everyone understands the dance.  When I teach a workshop people who are used to Baby Wolfs and other looms of that ilk will often cause them to shed hooks.  Sometimes that is because the owner forgot to attach the little s-hooks that hold the treadle bar to the front flat metal bar, but often it is because the weaver presses at some sideways angle rather than straight down.

I love my baby Mac and wouldn't trade it for something else.

Laurie Autio

Michael White

For your input as I know nothing about the baby Macs.


andsewon (not verified)

Excellent review!  Very helpful.  Is there much difference between the early CP11 model and the new "Baby Mac?"

sewwhatsports (not verified)

Without friends to encourage/enable us? Thanks to a friend, a 8H/10T 24" Baby Mac has been found close to home. I have contacted the person and am awaiting confirmation I can get it tomorrow. More to come on my quest...

neweaver (not verified)

I'm also looking for a baby Mac (24" 8 harness) but am on the west coast if anyone hears anything.  I thought I wanted a Mighty Wolf based on their popularity but my B4 has changed all that. 

andsewon (not verified)

That's fantastic, Rena! I'm sure you'll sell your little Harrisville very quickly since you already have the conversion kit for it. Connie

sewwhatsports (not verified)

I am doing a scarf with tencel for my Mom for Mother's day.  I did just a 4 harness pattern but the treadling is 32 picks long.  I love how it is coming along and love working on my 'Baby'.  But I do not love the brake system as it is now and am waiting for the friction brake I ordered to arrive.  When I release the back beam brake, the whole warp will sag.  I am finding at the moment it is a slow 2 handed process to advance the warp.  Luckily this is not a too long warp.  But it is a great project for the first one on this loom.  I will try to get pictures as I do more.



Michael White

I don't know much about the baby Mac. But what I would do is wrap a cord around the warp beam two or three times and tie it the back bar. This will give you a little friction on the beam and keeping it from jumping.


lkautio (not verified)

If you set off the tension in the front before letting the brake go it will not jump.  LeClerc has a little device which does the same thing as Michael is suggesting by cranking a rubber stopper against the back beam to provide some pressure when the tension is let off.  They call it a "Warping beam advance control system" - see it here on the left:


Laurie Autio


andsewon (not verified)

I think I remember seeing a cord set-up like this on Sarah's site. Here it is: http://macomberloomsandme.blogspot.com/search?q=backlash http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_zF80bd8NRiw/TL8njlgAxQI/AAAAAAAAA0k/o2KltsdC2J0/s1600/DSC04451.jpg

sewwhatsports (not verified)

I tied on a small backlash cord and it seems to help for the moment.  I am hoping that the friction brake will take care of this when it arrives and I can get it installed.


sewwhatsports (not verified)

arrived for my baby and after a bit of knashing of teeth, a call to Rick at Macomber and a bit of frustration, it is installed.  And I think I am going to be very happy.  I also added a washer between the front beam advance lever to tighten it closer to the ratchet and that seems to be in better shape too.

I also got another 200 heddles that need to be added to the harnesses but that will be done later.  And lastly I think I now have enough hooks for the tie ups I want to do for my overshot project. 

WAHOO!!  I am ready to go forward on my next project on the Baby :)



andsewon (not verified)

Don't forget to put links here to pics of your projects, Rena!