The Munsell dye study group has been making great progress. I have been enjoying following Tien's work on her blog. 

Some of us did not make it into the group because it filled too quickly.  So we are trying to put together a second group. There are seven of us (that I know of so far) who are eager and ready to start, but we need more to get going.  

Anyone who wants to join us, please PM me and include something about your dyeing experience and what kinds of fibers and dyes you would be interested in using.

Peg in South Carolina



Hi Peg I'm not sure my previous comment got through to you, so here we go again. I am interested in joining the second Munsel study group. I have Lanaset dying experience mostly on silk and wool. I do mostly painted warps however I have experience with shibori and emersion dying. I hope to learn how to replicate colors I see , making my own recipes . I am interested in working with silk ,linen and wool. However I am willing to study any fibers. I hpoe the group is not full yet!