I am not an experienced weaver and am just looking to try my hand at rep. Having purchased what parle cotton I could (limited supply at a local yarn shop)--3/2--I'm looking to put it on my 4-shaft table loom. My only reed is a 12-dent so, if I do the recommended 32 epi for 3/2 cotton, sleying is likely going to be challenging if I'm loading my warping board with two strands of fiber at a time. Experienced opinion needed: is this what I should be doing, or should I do each color / block separately? Thanks in advance for the insight.


Joanne Hall

A warp this dense is hard for a table loom to weave.  I don't weave with 3/2 cotton so I can't recommend a sett, but be aware that it is hard to make a shed on a table loom with this many ends, especially if this is a wide warp.  But, if it is too hard, then just re-sley to a more open sett.

I would wind the colors exactly as you will be threading them.  That will make the beaming easier for this dense warp.  Plus, I would make a number of equal sized bouts rather than try to wind a lot in one.



Thanks, Joanne,

Though the question was really about threading, your suggestion about using a looser warp provides an easy solution. I have a stand for my table loom, which is a very sturdy Kessenich; I can actually get a better beat on it than on my (used) 8-shaft Mighty Wolf. Since I'm just doing a "practice piece" for a study group, the thought was always to weave something narrow. Thanks again!


Thanks, Joanne,

Though the question was really about threading, your suggestion about using a looser warp provides an easy solution. I have a stand for my table loom, which is a very sturdy Kessenich; I can actually get a better beat on it than on my (used) 8-shaft Mighty Wolf. Since I'm just doing a "practice piece" for a study group, the thought was always to weave something narrow. Thanks again!

Deirdre King

I weave a lot of rep placemats and mug rugs for sale and set my 3/2 at 24 to 30 epi. 


HI Deirdre,

Do you have any problems with your harnesses sticking ?  I am using 5/2 perle ctn on a 4S Gilmore, 40EPI.  It's my 1st rep weave project.  I have a direct tie up but the harnesses for each block just stick together on any treadle.  I can push the incorrect harness down, but I don't want to have to do that for the entire project.  I have 2 blocks: A on shafts 1-2, B on  shafts 3-4.   Any suggestions?


Thanks so much, Deirdre! It's encouraging to know I can use a sett of 24. 


Do keep in mind, with rep, if the set is too open you don't get the coverage. On a table loom, it really does not have the ability to pack the weft as well as a floor loom. Your rep will not be as firm and tight on a table loom. It's fun to experiment, you will decide for yourself at the end of the project. :)

I do warp faced plain weave at 30-32 epi with 8/4 carpet warp. I found 24 epi that was recommended by Knisely in his rug book, just did not have the coverage. I know of someone who weave as high as 40 epi with 8/4 doing rep. We both have countermarch floor looms. I see a lot of folks struggling on jack looms with rep, from watching their videos. Using swords and sticks to separate warps to make sheds, is not my fun place. ;)


I agree with Reed Guy that  CM loom seemzs to work best for Rep.  I did yardage on  a CB and strummed and double beat to get a clear shed as I had seen advised.  I set up the next rep project on a  CM, and no strumming, no double beating, just treadle and beat as if it were twill.