As someone who has tried to earn an income from weaving for 30+ years, I've spent a lot of time analysing what I do and the equipment I do it with.  I've posted on this issue several times on my blog:

Click on the tag:  efficiency

The photo I posted earlier to test drive how to do it on Weavolution was part of a post on why I like the shuttles I work with on a daily basis.

While some people have told me that they don't mind shuttles with springs that prevent the central axle from lifting completely out of the bobbin cavity, to me it's a few seconds of needless frustration when I can use my trusty Leclerc shuttle and not have to fight with the shuttle, even for those few seconds. 

When I change bobbins many, many times in a day, those seconds of frustration add up and sour the whole experience because I know it doesn't have to be that way.  :)

The photo that I chose to head this group with - the umbrella swift mounted horizontally instead of vertically - is another case in point.  And another of the posts on efficiency on my blog.