Here's yet another version of the perennial sett question.  I know the ultimate answer is Sample! but I'd appreciate some preliminary advice.

I have a cone of handpainted 10/2 tencel and I wanted to try Sandi Morton's "Double court bob minor" draft from Sixty Scarves for 60 years : Weavers Guild of Greater Baltimore 1949-2009, (WGGB 2009), pp. 50-51, described as rosepath threading and echo weave treadling.  The original uses 10/2 bamboo sett at 24 epi.  That is, at the more open end of the scale for 10/2 bamboo, which is 4200 ypp.  The 10/2 tencel is 4000 ypp., and a correspondingly open sett of the tencel might be . . . 20?  But then I've read (here) that tencel likes a closer sett.  I've also read that tencel dislikes being crowded, so my best options seem to be 2 per dent in a 10 dent reed or 2 per dent in a 12 dent reed.

I am a beginner, and have a tendency to over-beat.  To compensate, am I better off start with the lower, more open sett?  With the tencel, and my predelictions, should I be beating on an open shed or closed?





Claudia Segal (not verified)


In my opinion, you are best starting by sampling all the choices you listed.  I suggest starting with the sett at 20 and work on your beat.  Stop and measure your picks per inch every 2" or so and try to keep to the suggested ppi.  Add about 12- 18" to your warp length for sampling at full width.  Then, you can decide what you prefer, 20 or 22 or 24 for the sett.  I have woven on tencel for some time and like 10/2 set at 24-26 depending on the project.  Be sure to cut off the sample and finish it as you would the final project.

Happy weaving,
