I need your advice, please! :-)

so far, I've got a 40/10cm-reed for my Glimakra Standard, but now I could get a 30/10, a 75/10 or a 115/10-reed for a cheap price. Is this useful? What reeds do you have and mostly use for rugs, towels or table runners?


(and in german for the german weavers group:

Hilfe! :-)

Ich hab bisher ein 40/10-Blatt für meinen Glimakra und habe nun die Möglichkeit, günstig an ein 30/10, ein 75/10 und ein 115/10-Blatt ranzukommen.

Lohnt sich das? Welche Blätter verwendet ihr so? Z. Bsp. für Handtücher, Tischläufer o.ä.? Was ist eine sinnvolle Stückelung?





I use a 30/10 reed for rag rugs, and I could not do without it, I use it for so many other things as well. But apart form that, it will depend on the kind of projects you make. Personally I would probably buy them all and think that I would need them eventually.


Anja (not verified)

Unfortunately, I cannot afford buying all of them. So I will have to concentrate on the most important ones.

Is it right, that a wider reed like a 20/10 is more flexibel in use than a smaller one? I assume that, because it should be possible to sley several warp-threads in one reed-slot, but it's impossible to put a single (thick) thread in a slot being too small. Am I right with this assumption or are there any disadvantages I don't know so far?


Also ich kann leider nicht alle kaufen, deshalb möchte ich mich auf die Wichtigsten beschränken.

Allerdings stelle ich mir vor, dass ein breiteres Webblatt felxibler ist in der Anwendung, denn zumindest theoretisch müsste ich doch bei der Verwendung eines dünneren Garnes einfach ein paar Kettfäden durch einen Schlitz stechen können, oder? Oder hätte das irgendwelche Nachteile beim Anschlagen?

Umgekehrt krieg ich ein dickes Garn ja gar nicht erst in ein dünnes Blatt rein. Also erst mal ein gröberes Webblatt kaufen?




A 20/10 reed would be for very thick (knitting) yarn. Of course you can put two threads, but you already have a 40/10. I would find the 30/10 reed very useful for rugs, if that is what you want to weave. A 75/10 would be useful for Cottolin or similar.


With a 30/10 you can get 3 ends per cm (1 end/dent), or 6 epcm, or 9, or 12, or 15 (5 ends/dent). It is also possible to make a compound denting (for instance 2-3-2-3-2-3, which will give you 7 ends in the first cm, 8 in the second - which gives you an average of 7,5 ends/cm).

I was told that, as a rule of thumb, it was unwise to have more than 5 ends/dent. I have on the occasion had more, and that worked nicely, too.

- There will be reed marks with any denting other than 1/dent, but usually they disappear with the wet finishing.

Hope this helps!

Sara von Tresckow

The 30/10 reed will give you the most flexibility at the start of your weaving career.

Later, if you wish to make very fine fabrics, you can look for finer reeds.

I do lots of fine weaving and my finest reed is 80/10 - sleyed double when necessary.

Anja (not verified)

Okay, thank you all! That helped very much. I think, I really will decide for the 30/10 now and look for other reeds later when needed.

Anja (not verified)

Another question just occured to me. The reed I could get is rustproof steel (used). Do you think that buying one of the new aluminum reeds is worth the higher price?


Sara von Tresckow


We import German reeds (fan reeds) and the aluminum is in the profile at top and bottom - the dents are still rustproof steel - you can't go wrong with that 30/10 reed.

Anja (not verified)

I decided to order a new reed with the aluminium profiles with 30/10. One reason ist the price - the additional cost for the new reed isn't very high. Besides, I do not really now the state of the used reed (I cannot look at it before buying) and I only want to afford a 30/10-reed once in my weaving-life. So thank you all for your advice and opinion. :-)

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