Hi all,

I'm prepping for my next project, which will feature painted warps in at least two (differently painted) warp chains.  I need to wind this warp on my AVL warping wheel since I don't currently have a warping board, and I'd also like to mingle the warps in semi-random stripes.  I have a sectional beam.

What is the best way to manage this?  I was thinking of beaming on as I would on a plain beam.  Unfortunately I see three problems with this: first, there are no loops at the back end of the warp when using the AVL warping wheel, so I would have to tie the ends together in a knot rather than running a rod through the loops and letting them self-adjust.  Second, there is no raddle cross with the warping wheel.  (I suppose I could use the teeth of the "comb" to create a raddle cross?  Has anyone tried this?)  Third, I'm not sure how to intersperse two chains when beaming on.

Any help or thoughts would be welcome, I haven't tried painted warps with my AVL warping wheel before.




FiberGeekery (not verified)

I have been thinking about the same thing. I got the AVL Warping Wheel for Christmas so I don't have an answer to your question. I will be very interested in the answers you get.

mrdubyah (not verified)

Looks like you've waited a long time for a response to this one.  There is a "cross maker" available for the AVL Warping Wheel.  I have one for my AVL and find it very handy when I want to warp front to back. I wind the warp onto the wheel with the cross maker, then place the cross over lease sticks at the front of the loom.  After that, it's a simple matter to sley, thread, and wind onto the warping beam.  The absence of a loop at the warp end is not a problem. Just group the warp in bundles and tie the bundles directly to the apron rod or knot the bundles and lark's head them to the apron strings (depending on how your loom is rigged).  As for interspersing chains, I don't see why you would need to do this on the loom.  You should be able to mix the painted warp to your specifications right on the warping wheel.  Hope this helps! 

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