I don't like the way I've been labelling my weaving. I've been making individual labels on the computer for each piece, printing on cardstock, and pinning to the piece with a small brass safety pin & the price tag. The good thing about them is that they can contain all the relevant info about each piece (although I recently learned I am not FTC compliant and need to change them); my shoppers can see fiber content, care instructions, size, and price on each piece. The bad news is that I don't think they look great.
I've considered having tags professionally printed, but then I think I'd have to have a whole bunch of check boxes or something to identify the specific fiber content of each piece.
In addition to the tag itself is the means of attaching it to the scarf or shawl. Hanging them (vs. pinning) would, I think look better, but that creates issues when I have to pack them up to bring to a show - tags getting tangled and ending up pulling the fabric or ripping.
So I'm looking for ideas from the rest of you professonal weavers, specifically those who make scarves and shawls - garments that require 'permanent' labels are a whole different animal, as are non-wearables like rugs, totes, and pillows.
Addendum - most of my weaving is with 8/2 rayon/bamboo/Tencel, 10/2 or finer cotton, 10/2 or finer silk, and rayon chenille. This info may have an impact on your suggestions.
Thanks for your input!