Welcome to March! It looks like March is roaring in like alion in most parts of the US, hopefully that will mean he we go out as a lamb bringing April showers and May flowers in his wake. Everyone is being so productive. I have been enjoying seeing everyone's projects and seeing how much we can help each other with questions and problems, as well as boistering each other wiht  all the compliments. I have not been weaving much lately, but that will change next week with a 5 day workshop. Keep up the good work everyone - weave on!




Queezie, I use window blind slats that I got from my local window and blind shop. I just called them and asked if the next time they had any extra from a client if they could give me a call, and they did! Call an expensive place that does a lot of buosness, they will be harmed to think they are being green and recycling!


Cadenza, do you have any 10/2 perl cotton for the pattern weft? You can double the 20/2, but the pattern wefts are usually double the weight of the tabby ground. Most drafts don't show the tabby treadling, so be aware of that. You have to alternate tabby and pattern wefts, so two shuttles are used. :)

Erica J

I was still upset this mlrning over something a colleague said to me at work yesterday. Iknew I should have spent my weaving time on tapestry today. Instead I forged on the damask and broke a ton of threads! Oops! 

I noticdd Tina's weff looked muchmore closely packedthan mkne so I used that as an excuse to really beat each weft pick. Obviously over did it! It's not such a big thjng to fix. 

I'm thunking of tying the next warpontk this kne. Has anyone ever done that on a drawloom? Tips appreciated.

I'm glad you appreciate the pagination, Tien. I assumed, because  it wasn't already  set up to create more pages, that it just couldn't be done. In completing our trainjng on Drupal 7, I learned where we could change it. I hope most people like the change. This is the main group that gets more than 50 comments, so I'm not sure how mNy peolle will actually notice. ;)

Jo Raymond

The pagination is great! Thank you!


Erica - so nice not to have to scroll through all the posts!

I finished my overshot project about 30 minutes ago - it was supposed ot take me longer but I am a speed demon :) Actually I did not weave all that fast, found it a fairly easy weave to do. So I went to the grocery store and am now at home to take a short nap. Then I will go back out to FIber Crafts for photos of all the projects and to collect my projects as well as small smaples to put in our notebooks.  Photos later!


Yes it is great to finally see this pagination working. One little thing though, have the email notification link to #new  post, that way it will go to the page and next post made since your last visit. ;)

Erica J

Ohh great input Reedguy! It may take some digging around to remember where to find the e-mail set up again! But we will definitely try to remember wherethose are! Thanks for the input!


 I am now able to listen to pod casts.  Which means I finaly got to hear all of the Pod-casts on Weave cast (as usual I am only 5-7 years behind most other folks tech wise ...lol  Be that as it may, I am learning lots from the old weave cast site.  Weaving while listening is fun to.  Weaving away slowly these days because there are lots of things going on in my hubby and my life, some pleasant some not so much...but thats life.  Has anyone noticed how much stuff one amasses to help one weave? Seems I have all sorts of things,at least for my RH loom.  I have clamps, warp sticks,L brackets,a rubber hammer (to help me place the pegs in my looms built in on the back warping board) rubber bands of many sizes a couple of crochet hooks and plethora of needles and other small things.  I use a wrist brace on my left wrist to prevent a ganglion cyst from comming back, so add that to the lot as well.(not to mention pick up sticks and extra stick shuttles I have gotten from tag sales or with my loom)Heven help me when I have to get other dent size heddle ... OY! Thank goodness I have been able to contain most of  this in an open wooden storage box with a home made handle that I store under my loom table or in the bag I was given for my loom when its folded. Geesh... we live in a really small condo and we are actually trying to get rid of stuff...instead it feels like my collection of "STUFF" is growing not shrinking ... OH WELL ! Thank goodness for the small size of most RH looms and I can fold mine as well.


and I am exhausted. Here are some pics of the pile of finished goods and my stash. The only piece I'm missing is my boundweave - it is still on the loom since the girl after me had not finished her piece yet. I'll pick it up on Monday.


Reed Guy, the pattern I hope to follow uses 8/2unmerc cotton for the pattern weft. Which is the only yarn I have woven before. I have plenty left for the pattern. I am hoping I have enough green for all the pattern sections, but if not,  I have a one pound cone of burgundy that I have barely touched.  It also looks like there are tabby shots between every pattern shot. I bypassed a couple overshot drafts because there were spots with tabby and no tabby and I didn't feel like I could read the draft. This one seemed clear.

Erica J

Great weaving Tina! You got so much done and it's all so beautiful!

Weaving away slowly these days because there are lots of things going on in my hubby and my life, some pleasant some not so much...but thats life.  Has anyone noticed how much stuff one amasses to help one weave?

Weaveforjoy, sorry to hear you have been having unpleasantness. As you say that is life. I have noticed how much stuff I've amassed. I've spent much of the last 2 days trying to figure out a more efficient method for setting up my studio in the room I have. I know I'm very fortunate to have an entire room to dedicate to my studio. But the laws of life and physics seem to state your "stuff" will expland to overfill the space you have available!

Well that's my check in for now, off to protect blog entries on the site so we can spend less time deleting spam blog entries and blocking new spammers! :)


I fixed mybroken threads and started thinking about my next damask project, a woven Persian headdress! I feel confident in using my 2/12 silk for the next project, but still have some sampling left to do on this warp. :)


Cadenza, that 8/2 should be just fine. If you have not got your sett figured out, you can weave an inch or so and measure picks per inch and transfer that to the sett. It will be different than for 10/2. ;) I was surprised when I went from a 28 epi block weave with tabby ground, to an overshot project that required a sett of 16 epi to square up. :) All 10/2 merc, doubled the pattern weft in the overshot.


Wow, go on vacation and you guys weave up up a storm! Know it's not weaving but is fiber related , when I travel work on needlepoint this time of a Loon for Ed. Also so psyched , my Dad who is 90, just invited me to go fly fishing with him on Campbell River, upper Vancouver Island this fall. Gotta love it! Thinking a lot about Georgia's Chair and all the projects I want to do with my stash busting , is that weaverly?


Enough dilly dallying around, get to weaving. :D ;)

Should be a good fishing trip with your father. :)


Bluster Bay Shuttles Honex tension or Spring Loaded? Unless I'm missing something the Honex shuttle size is the real difference. Does anyone have a preference?


I'm no help on that. However, I use Leclerc end feed shuttles and have no issues. :)


for some rep-weave mats and towels, all from the stash.  Now if I only had a loom empty - LOL!

warp chains

tien (not verified)

What do you mean by spring loaded? Do you mean the hooks?

My preference is for Bluster Bay shuttles with the Honex tensioner - the hooks drive me crazy since I work with fine threads and often with springy threads, neither of which work well with the hooks.

I forget who asked, but the Bluster Bay shuttle is about 1/8" lower profile than my short AVL shuttle - that might make a difference if you have a small shed.

tien (not verified)

The last few days were a frenzied whirl of weaving!

Here is the tabby scarf, finished at last:

tabby-striped scarf

I started weaving a sample with a brushed kid mohair/silk yarn as weft, but liked it so much I decided to make an entire scarf:

silk/mohair scarf

Here's a closeup of the weave structure, a 20-shaft crepe:

Closeup of crepe weave

That all happened Friday. Yesterday, I spent eight hours getting the color-study warp onto the loom. "Eight hours to beam a 13-yard warp???" you say. Yep, eight hours. There were four colorways with color changes that needed to match up closely, with the colorways distributed irregularly through the raddle. I had to use a trapeze with multiple rods at the top so the colorways wouldn't interfere with each other. And of course there were four sets of raddle lease sticks to work through the warp every time I advanced. It makes me tired just thinking about it!

Anyway, it took me several hours to get from this:

a tangle of warp dangling over a trapeze

to this:

warp, tied on and ready to beam

and finally to this:

fully beamed warp

I'm feeling pretty good - after 12 yards of beaming, my color changes still lined up within three inches of each other. Pretty good accuracy, all things considered!

One thing I tried on this warp was using 1/2" acrylic tubes as lease sticks. Ulrike Beck suggested this to me, and they turn out to work beautifully! Much smoother and much rounder than wood. They glide through the warp like butter. Lovely!

Anyway, if you want the gory details of how I did all this, you can read my latest blog post, which covers it in detail.

And today? No weaving (though I did twist fringe and finish both scarves), but I made two gallons of chicken soup and a gallon and a half of butternut squash soup. The butternut squash soup is using butternut squashes from last year's garden, and came out absolutely delicious - helped along by a half-stick of butter and a dash of habanero hot sauce (also from our garden). Heavenly!

And now, back to writing and rewriting presentations and handouts for the workshop I'm teaching next weekend...


Tien - thank you for your response about the Bluster Bay shuttles, Honex vs. hooks. Really looking forward to seeing your color study! ReddGuy didn't know Leclerc made EFS too, have to look into them too thanks :)


Tien, you wore me out just reading about all that work. I just want to collapse into my easy chair. :)

I bet that squash soup is some good to. Mmm. We have always grown squash in gardens up here to (uncle, father, me) and last fall when I had some left over diced squash, and making a stew, I would toss in a few chunks. :) I usually peel and carve up a whole squash and steam it with main meals during the week. They keep good until January, then get too wet are rot around the stem. Always grow acorn squash here. We like dryer squash. I'm always making some kind of concoction not in the recipie books. LOL

Today, I'm making more of my to die for blueberry muffins from scratch. One isn't enough, that's just the warm up for the second one. LOL :)


So much activity!  Beautiful warp, Tien, and so interesting to see how you got it onto your loom.  And lucky students to be taking you workshop.  Endorph - I'm curious about the class you took; must be nice to have the looms ready to go and to test such a variety.

I finally have my dish towel  warp on  the loom, and am nearly finished with the first one.  You all have me very motivated. 


it is very nice to have the looms all warped and ready to go. It means more weaving time. In their more beginner courses you do wind the warp and warp the looms, but not in the more advance classes. They figure by now we should now how to warp the loom! The facility is wonderful but small. The good news is that they are planning a new building with more weaving space!


Tien - I am exhausted just reading about your weekend! WOW!

sally orgren

I just finished the Dianne Totten Crimp & Create workshop — it was great! We had 18 participants, and here are the samples woven by the participants. The workshop was held at the Tamaracks Country Villa Bed & Breakfast. (Some of our lucky members even got to stay overnight with Dianne at the B&B.)

We had 8 floor looms, 10 table looms, 2 warp shibori threadings, the rest weft shibori.


WOW, big workshop Sally and beautiful results! Just walked in the door from the airport and the house still smells like construction and they aren't finished yet. Bummer. Three weeks Kathe Todd-Hooker is coming to Cincinnati to give a Tapestry workshop. So excited , she's wonderful plus I'm hosting her , so I get to have her stay with me, Yay:)


Busy, busy, busy. :) Looks like some nice and interesting samples there Sally. What are the possible uses for this type of weave. I have seen something similar once in awhile in clothing, but never know what I'm looking at and not really inspecting it too closely. ;)

Waiting on some upholstery tools and my loom parts to arrive. I should have enough webbing woven in a day or two, but am going to keep weaving the rest of the warp. Should be done by month end. LOL ;)

Time for the morning coffee and homemade blueberry muffin. mmmm


Your blueberry muffins sound awesome... I'm very happy to have coffee in the house this a.m.:) The race is on with Georgia's Chair. Tapestry, Tapestry!


looks like it was a successful workshop.

Cathie - looking forward to seeing progress on Georgia - I am fascinated by tapestry but don't think I have the temperment to do much of it. that being said,  I do like weft faced weaves!

Since I am allergic to blueberries I am not tempted by your blueberry muffin reedguy but a nice banana muffin would go a long way to making my morning brighter!

Weave on everyone!


Too bad to, the first one is just the warm up for the second muffin. :)


What ReedGuy no muffins this a.m.? The bad thing about construction is I have to move everything! The good thing about construction is I get to organize everything when I put it away, at least in my studio:) now all my books are sectioned into, Color, Structure, History, Tapestry,Dyeing etc. I have about 2 more weeks and Georgia's done, thank goodness! She's interesting, but I'm ready to move on !


Oh, there's muffins and a big pot of coffee. I had to renew my cache of muffins yesterday morning. My oh my. :D

I had to move about 20" of new snow yesterday afternoon, and 3 more storms coming and going by the end of Tuesday. (rolling eyes)

Spring? Maybe, but this kind.



Don't know about springs but the chair is looking awefully nice. I love the curve in front, and the curves in back match perfectly:)


the chair frame is beautiful. Excited to see what you come up with for upholstery.

Tommorrow is out Spring Break Roundup at the museum. We will have some re-enactors on site setting up an 1880s era Ranger camp. They are slao bringing along their chuck wagon and will be making biscuits for the visitors. I am bringing my spinning wheel and drop spndles to demo on. Should be a lot of fun. So far looks like the weather will cooperate!

tien (not verified)

My weaverliness has been of a totally different sort than usual! I flew out to Colorado on Wednesday and spent four hours yesterday jurying Fiber Celebration 2014. Today I'm going to visit the Interweave offices to meet the wonderful folks that put out Handwoven, and in the evening I'm going to the opening reception for the exhibit. Saturday and Sunday I'm teaching a workshop on effective design and construction processes.

But no actual weaving, though I have been doing a little embroidery for my contribution to a Burning Man project.


I have a picture in my Upholstery thread, but here it is in full. I only used a light stain so the grain isn't covered up.

The naked eye sees a lot mor eof the grain than a photo. Also the photo does not even show the beading of the seat frame. That is done by hand and not a router.

sally orgren

Can't wait to see it completed with handwoven fabric!


Tien, Congrats on being the Juror for Fiber Celebrations 2014, I'm sure it will be an excellent exhibit. Good luck with your workshop, that's one I'd love to take! ReedGuy the chair looks great. You inspired me, homemade raspberry muffins at my house, yum:)


talk of muffins is making me hungry! But raspberries are right up there with bluebarries on my allergy list so. . .  Am thinking seriously about banana nut muffins. . . . might make some tonight to eat next week. Throw in some bran or wheat germ to up the fiber content

Hoping to get some weaing in this weekend after SBRU is doen on Saturday afternoon. Need to get a warp wound and get the warp on the RH loom woven off - I am tired of it. . .


Well good thing I have some warmed up oyster Rockefeller here for dinner. I'm starved.

Been working on the end blocks for my supplemental beam/roller.

Erica J

I'm in the not much weavingcamp, but I have done about 6 hours of web admin training and have even more ideas for the site! I know you all are right there witn me upgrades and new feature anticipation! Unfortunately well all have to hang in there!

I'm also in the all this talk of muffins is making me hungry camp! Thankfully we have creme eggs!

sally orgren

Do they have Peeps in Canada or England?

sally orgren

Do they have Peeps in Canada or England?


Yeah we have them here, I assume you mean the marshmallow chicks? :)

If you mean spring peepers, that'll be awhile yet. Those frogs are still frozen solid until May up here. LOL :D


Creme Eggs have been on the shelves around here since Valentines Day

loomyladi (not verified)

I need to reread this at some time other than 11 p.m.  Some GREAT information.  Wonderful discussion!  My month has been crazy - taught my first multi-harness class and it went VERY well!  7 new weavers are in the world.  I was so proud of them and look forward to the next class!  Enjoyed a visit to the Greater Cincinnati Fiber Guild for their new exhibition.  It was amazing to see the work of Margaret Rhein, wonderful works with paper.  This past Thur I had my interview for Tamarack (A regional art center), now I need to do some prep work for the final jury session on the 27th.  And tomorrow I'm heading to Bedford, PA to the Coverlet Museum.  Lots of weaverliness going on in my world.    Picked up pieces to convert a beam to sectional today, thinking of trying to simplify my warping world for some dishtowels.  We shall see.  Hope all your weaving worlds are wonderful!



Loomylady, I am delighted you got to our gallery at the Guild of Greater CIncinnati ! The Margaret Rhein exhibit warrants a visit, I'm glad you enjoyed it! We're trying to have the gallery open a FEW Sundays , call first. All volunteer work, so you know how that goes:) Good luck with your many endeavors, Cathie


This weekend has been beginnings and endings.  To begin, I beamed on a warp for rep-weave placemats.  The endings envolved way too much sewing.  Washed, ironed, and hemmed two different run of towels, for a total of 8 new towels in the finished stuff stash.  There are blurps about them out on the project page.  Now I can use my sewing maching bench guilt-free for threading  and sleying the rep-weave.


Still plenty of webbing to weave. I would have a whole lot more done, except for shoulder pain. Don't try and hand lift/load 400 lb snow blowers. (rolls eyes)

Jo Raymond

The new loom is assembled; I'm hanging the warping board today; the yarn will be here tomorrow! 

Group Audience