Does anyone know how to disassemble a Baby Mac treadle bar?  I have a treadle that broke at the bar.  I can glue it back together, but the bar has two metal stoppers on it that will not move.  They appear to be swaged on or press fit.  Does anyone know how to remove one to get the treadle back on the bar?  I have contacted Macomber, but haven't gotten an answer.




Mine has an allen-style set screw to loosen and remove that metal stopper.  Might not be visible unless you sit the baby on its back beam.  Or perhaps I just have a newer model where they improved that.


Thanks!  Mine does have a set screw; mine is a slot head.  The allen screw seems to be later.  All fixed.  Macomber finally did contact me.  A new treadle, if the glue doesn't hold, is $25.