I read a double heddle bookmark article that slightly mentioned and displayed an iridescent fabric.  The author, Syne Mitchell, had used a red warp with blue-green weft. Red and green are opposite on the color wheel. Do you think that is what created the iridescence?


article: http://www.weavezine.com/content/double-heddle-bookmarks.html

author: Syne Mitchell


If you choose a weft that is a radically different color than the warp (in this example a dark red weft on a green/blue warp) you may find that the finished cloth shows iridescence, changing color when you move the cloth or alter your viewing angle.




Hi 10ashnus, for an interesting discussion on iridescence that explores just a few other options then complimentary colors , look at Color and Fiber by Patricia Lambert, Barbara Staepelaere, Mary G. Fry.  pages 222- 227.

i'm pretty sure you could get this at your public library. It's a fantastic book on color, college level, I would say.

look to nature too. How do insects achieve iridescence?


Sara von Tresckow

Sheen - as with mercerizeed cotton helps as does fine thread - any stronger than a 16/2 cotton weight and the chance of achieving iridescence lessens.


The book, Color and Fiber, is not on our library shelves. I will request an Interlibrary Loan. Thank you for the page numbers. Often if a book cannot be loaned, they will photocopy the pages for me.


Yes. Sheen would be a factor. Would Tencel or Bamboo thread be in that category?

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