Hello! I have a new-to-me Macomber arriving this weekend, 14 shafts (16 capacity). Due to the length of my warps, I warp sectionally. The loom does not come with a sectional beam, however I have extra rakes from my LeClerc that are the appropriate length. Thoughts on converting the plain beam to sectional using these rakes?

I would also like to add live tensioning (http://www.tienchiu.com/2009/05/live-weight-warp-tensioning-system/), which I have already done on my four shaft. Is there any reason this wouldn't work? I assume the brake can be disabled? Thanks!!!



This is an interesting concept, and something I've not heard of before!  Wow, thanks for posting - and good luck with your loom.


I like the concept of this live tensioning, though I've never used it. I have used a bungee cord wrapped twice around the warp/back beam which, although it did nothing to pull the warp back, did eliminate the excess advancing. I did this on an Artisat though.


Regarding converstion to sectional. I've never seen it done, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. You would need to accurately lay out the location for the rakes on the beam first, then drill accurately too. That's can be a bit of a challenge if you don't have equipment to hold the beam. Although nothing prevents you from attempting it on the loom. I suppose the worst case, it doesn't work, and you still have a plain beam.

 The plain beams are not that large in dia. If you're doing a long warp (20-30 + yds) it might present some problems if you try to load up that much on sectional rakes against a small diameter. The other option would be to install standoff bars from the beam making it a larger diameter.

All things considered though, it might be more advantageous to buy a sectional beam from Mac. They come 3/4 yd and 1 yd dia.



If by live tensioning you mean using weights on warp bouts, I did it on a problem warp,  and also for discontinuous warp.  Providing you use equal-sized, reasonably sized weights, it works just fine.  They have to be heavy enough to let you beat buy light enough not to stress the warp.