
jeannine (not verified)

the clasped weft weaving looks good.

I like the tittle 


graciela (not verified)

I like it. Simple, but harmonious

Does the laptop have still cold? Please, put  a pullover! Have a nice day. 

francorios (not verified)

I really like this. It makes me think that cows and clouds should be in three colors.

That is a compliment.

Have a joyful day!

Franco Rios
Sacramento, Calif.

marlenedg (not verified)

JMO but I like this a lot too and it should stay on the wall. Very nice piece of art.


B P (not verified)

Hi Anja

I also think this weaving should stay on the wall!

It's beautiful...a simle but striking piece of composition. Did you make the shapes up as you went along, or did you draw a cartoon to follow?


Anja (not verified)

I am pleased that someone likes it; I didn't expect that. And "Cows and Clouds" would have been a nice title too. :-)

@Beth: I made the shapes while weaving; it was a bit like painting with yarn.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

First rigid-heddle-weaving-try with yarns (Newzealand lamb), spun on my very first spinning wheel. The sett is very large in order to achieve a weft-face fabric. Spontaneously doing clasped weft weaving...

Originally, this was meant to become a bag for my laptop, but unfortunately, I measured wrong and now 5cm are missing. So I had to change my mind: bag became wallhanging.

For this, I had to change the original title. First it was "This-is-how-it-meant-to-be-Bag", which was an allusion to the (unintentionally) unregular structure of my handspun yarn. ;-) Its a german saying in my local dialect: "Des g'hört so!". Now I changed to "The-Thing-On-The-Wall" ... let's see how long it will stay there.


Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit