
Alison (not verified)


These are lovely! They would really perk up a room.

sally orgren

And why is it handwovens looks so terrific with hand-made pottery?

Makes me want to get back to my looms pronto!

Neshobe (not verified)

Your use of colors is impressive: playing each off the other, and mixing gives added depth.  That's a really nice set, rustic enough for pottery and elegant enough for fine dinnerware.  Thanks for the info on process: I'm looking to do my first set of table runners and napkins, and got some good suggestions. 

jlread (not verified)

Great use of Color!!!!

naturalfibres (not verified)

thank you for all your kind words.

sophieb (not verified)

Your towels are gorgeous!  I hope to be able to do these someday.  Thanks for sharing.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

I wound the warp twice as long but only half the width - and remembered to put a cross at both ends! I like winding the warp this way when I'm doing stripes. It's much faster to wind the warp, plus the stripes are the same width. I wove each towel 37" long, then put in two shots of a contrasting cotton. I should have made the warp about 12" longer as the last towel was only 33" long.

I threaded the loom with a broken 2/2 twill - 1, 3, 2, 4 - and treadled 2/2 twill. I wove 2 towels each with the warp colours as the weft - so 2 blue weft, 2 pink weft and 2 varigated weft.

When I was done, I did a quick zigzag at each end of the warp, threw it in the washer and then the dryer. I then ironed the material to remove any wrinkles and flatten the edges. On the sewing machine I did a straight stitch on the ends of each towel, cut them apart and then did a 1/2" folded hem.


off loom measurements - 20.5" x 35" washed measurements - 18" x 29.5"

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit