
Lauries (not verified)

Very nice I like the colors.

jlread (not verified)

I used a lot of different colors so I could choose the ones I liked best together....Thanks again...JR

sally orgren

This particular color and weave effect is fun to weave because I think you can get a lot of different effects when you change the treadling and shuttle order, but this one was my favorite too. (Check the Strickler 8-shaft book for more options.)

GREAT colors. (Your sampler would even make a great towel!) And I love it that you *sampled*! I am willing to bet your final project will be much improved and you'll be a lot happier with it because you took the time to sample!

Weaverchick007 (not verified)

You are very wise to sample.  I love this pattern, and made it with tencel without a sample...13 yard warp with no sampling.  It was maybe me 3rd weaving project of my life, and I didn't even know of the concept of sampling.  Anyway, my 8/2 tencel, turned out to be little footballs, instead of a pinwheel effect--I suspect the slippery nature of the tencel caused the pattern to kind of collapse on itself.  Also my colors did not contrast enough for a color and weave I got 5 scarves of this drab colored football material.  It was torture weaving all of these scarves and not liking what I was weaving!  The scarves still sit in my drawer, fringe untwisted, abandonded.  Abandoned little footballs.  :-)

I now sample all the time, and usually make useful towels out of my samples, or keep them for learning/planning.

Just wanted to share...nice work!


jlread (not verified)

How true.....I've learned my lessons, early on, about unless I really know how the project will look...I sample.  Thanks for all the lovely comments....Judy

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Sample woven for a larger project. Woven on an 8H Dundas table loom using 8/2 Cotlin from Webs.

Number of Shafts
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