
emhoog (not verified)

Lovely place mats, Ellen. And what an excellent idea to use a rolling pin to get a shiny finish for the linen.

Ellen (not verified)

Thanks! Actually I had read about it, probably here on Weavo, a while back, and just thought I'd try it out. It works fine, so I can recommend it for small projects. Wouldn't take on a large tablecloth :-)

Evelyn (not verified)

Beautiful!  I love linen and have a great stash of lingarn  - super way to use it 4 as 1.

Ellen (not verified)

I am looking forward to seeing yours :-)

Ellen (not verified)

Thanks! Yes, linen is just lovely, so have fun putting yours to use :-)

weave2 (not verified)

These are beautiful, Ellen.  I also love linen and have made some towels from a Shaker weaving book by Mary Elva Erf.  I freeze my linen after washing it and then iron it until almost dry.  They become so shiny and soft.  I'll have to try a rolling pin too.

Ellen (not verified)

Hi, thanks!

Well that is a new one to me. I'll try the freezing next time, while you do the rolling pin trick, right :-)

Have you posted the Shaker towels? I'd love to see them.

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The warp ends were threaded 4 and 4, and the pattern picks were also the linen yarn quadrupled. while the tabby was a single thread. After washing I laid them out flat to dry and rolled them when almost dry with a rolling pin, for the lack of a cold mangle possibility. Seems to work just fine.

The warp left over after the 6 place mats was just fine for a very red version with some very thick lintow for patterns picks, I had to go back and forth with it 3 times for each pick to make the weave balanced, and just turned the weft over the floating selvedge, -  this was because I have no easy way of winding multiple strands in this weaving studio. It made a fine mat for our Christmas "adventskrans", a traditional round of either fir or some material decorated with fir and then 4 candles, lit one more for each of the 4 Sundays before Christmas. This year we have had to start the first Sunday of Advent without fir because the snow has been too deep for going into the woods to cut a few twigs to tie onto it.

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